The Agri-Environmental Program is a partnership between the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture, the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Perennia Food and Agriculture Corporation. This program combines environmental components from each of these organizations building on their strengths in this area.
The program provides comprehensive and relevant information to help reduce environmental risk on farm, increase public trust and expand market access through four foundational pillars:
- Environmental Farm Plan
- Market Access
- Research and Forward Thinking and Resources
- Information Sharing
The program is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The Canadian Agricultural Partnership agreement is part of a commitment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to promote productivity and profitability for the sector.
Learn more about each of the pillars and the services and resources available below.

Pillar 1
Established in 1999, the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) program is well known throughout the industry, completing over 2,000 Environmental Farm Plans.
The Nova Scotia EFP program is an educational program delivered by the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture. The EFP program helps farmers identify and assess environmental risks on their properties and enables farmers to incorporate environmental considerations into their everyday business decisions. The EFP program is confidential, practical, available at no cost to the farm and is available to all registered farms.
EFP coordinators Trevor Davison and Cory Roberts provide various services, including, but not limited to, one-on-one farm visits, newly designed detailed reports, risk assessments and detailed recommendations.
For additional information on the Environmental Farm Plan, visit the EFP website.
Pillar 2
Remaining current on environmental industry trends and looking for new and innovative approaches to sustainable farming is essential for farms to reduce environmental risk.
The Agri-Environment Program ensures farmers and stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date environmental stewardship practices. Through initiatives such as applied research and jurisdictional comparisons of farming practices, the program provides important data for farmers developing plans. By facilitating in-depth assessments of where Nova Scotia agriculture currently stands on environmental issues, a baseline can be established to set and define goals for improvement.
Perennia’s lead Agri-Environmental Specialist, Mackenzie Rathgeber, will research opportunities, remain up to date, work closely with EFP staff and be a valuable resource for the agriculture industry.
Pillar 3
Access to resources and relevant information helps when navigating environmental issues on farm. By developing factsheets, videos and hosting webinars, information can be readily available when it is needed.
While lots of information is currently available, it should be reviewed often and updated if necessary, so it is accurate and reflects the current environmental situation in Nova Scotia.
The Agri-Environmental Specialist, Mackenzie Rathgeber, will work closely with EFP staff, create these resources and ensure access to applicable and accurate information.
Pillar 4
Sustainable sourcing for market access is a significant economic development opportunity for Nova Scotia farmers, and demonstrating responsible stewardship is quickly becoming a requirement to do business.
Sustainability programs are an increasingly common component across the Canadian and global food and farming supply chain. Sustainable sourcing is a means of buying goods from suppliers who adhere to a code of practice that reduces the social, management, ethical and environmental impacts of food production, processing and distribution.
The Agri-Environmental program is committed to helping Nova Scotia farms develop an Environmental Farm plan. Through these plans, farmers may be able to demonstrate compliance with the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) requirements, which could create new market opportunities, especially for exports.
If you are looking for more information about the Agri-Environmental Program, please contact EFP Coordinators Trevor Davison, Cory Roberts or Agri-Environmental Specialist Mackenzie Rathgeber. Or fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.